What forms in the embryo first, the muscles or the bones? Human creation:

The sections of this article are:

1-  The Noble Quran’s Divine Claims.
2-  The Scientific Proofs.
3-  Conclusion. (Must read!)
Answer:  According to the Glorious Quran and Science, the creation of the bones and muscles happens relatively almost at the same time; “adjacently” to each others.  But, the formation of the bones happens before the muscles are wrapped around them.  See below for great details.  This article is primarily based on Allah Almighty’s following claims in the Glorious Quran.

Summary about Embryology in the Glorious Quran:

  1. Man is created from the purest and the best sperm (سلالة) that is also drawn with ease (سل ).
  2. And in another Noble Verse, sperm (نطفة) is said to be a piercing and penetrating one ( تمنى  and  يمنى  (to pierce)), which is exactly how the male’s sperm enters the female’s egg – through piercing through it.
  3. The sperm (نطفة) is injected into (في) a secure and firm base (قرار مكين).  Read the following table:
  1. Notice the accuracy here:Notice the accuracy in the description:

    ‏23:12 ولقد خلقنا الانسان من سلالة من طين
    ‏23:13 ثم جعلناه نطفة في قرار مكين

    [023:012]  Man We did create from a quintessence of clay سلالة;
    [023:013] Then We placed him as (a drop of) sperm نطفة in a place of rest, firmly fixed قرار مكين;

    Here Allah Almighty Said that the SULALAH (best sperm) سلالة is placed AS A NUTFAH (SPERM) نطفة  in the Qaraar Makeen. Clearly, this is referring to the male-sperm when it gets placed into the woman’s egg after piercing it.  The egg now becomes a zygote cell, or a fertilized egg.  And of course, the Noble Verse is also referring to the entire womb in general, since the fertilized egg travels down the fallopian tube into the uterus. This journey takes between 1 to 2 days, and the egg will attach itself to the uterine lining, or the endometrium, to begin the pregnancy.

    1.  “Then We placed him as (a drop of) sperm…”  Refers to male sperm when it enters the egg, and the now-fertilized egg, with the sperm in it, as one Nutfah (sperm) placed in “a place of rest, firmly fixed”.  In other words, when the fertilized egg attaches itself inside the womb to begin the pregnancy.

    2.  “Then We placed him ثم جعلناه …”  Throughout the Glorious Quran, Allah Almighty used the Noble Word جعلنا , to mean:

    • Something “We made from multiple things”
    • Or something “we evolved”.

    I have pointed this out before and thoroughly demonstrated it from the Glorious Quran at: http://www.answering-christianity.com/sunrise_sunset.htm.  Here I quote:

    2-  نجعل  = caused it to be, evolved it.

    • Throughout the Glorious Quran, Allah Almighty used this Noble Word to speak about things being created through a development or an evolution.  The Noble Word means that Allah Almighty Creates, Develops and/or Makes a creation through the process of (1) Evolution, (2) Natural development of a creation, or (3) A process of engagement, mixing and/or development through two or more creations being combined or put together; similar to a chain reaction:
    • And We have set made in/on (في) the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with them, and We have made therein broad highways (between mountains) for them to pass through: that they may receive Guidance.  (The Noble Quran, 21:31)”‏21:31 وجعلنا في الارض رواسي ان تميد بهم وجعلنا فيها فجاجا سبلا لعلهم يهتدون
    • And We have made the heavens sky as a canopy well guarded a protective roof: yet do they turn away from the Signs which these things (point to)!  (The Noble Quran, 21:32)”‏21:32 وجعلنا السماء سقفا محفوظا وهم عن اياتها معرضون
    • Other Noble Verses in English and Arabic:‏78:9 وجعلنا نومكم سباتا
      ‏78:10 وجعلنا الليل لباسا
      ‏78:11 وجعلنا النهار معاشا
      ‏78:13 وجعلنا سراجا وهاجا
      ‏87:5 فجعله غثاء احوى
      ‏90:8 الم نجعل له عينين
      ‏105:2 الم يجعل كيدهم في تضليل
      05:5 فجعلهم كعصف ماكول
    • Please visit: (a)-  The Miracle of the Mountains in the Glorious Quran.
    • (b)-  The Ozone layer is a protective ceiling/roof to earth.(c)-  What forms in the embryo first, the muscles or the bones?

    So in “Then We placed him ثم جعلناه …”,  Allah Almighty’s choice to use the Noble Word جعلناه clearly indicates that the NUTFAH in this Noble Verse is the NEW NUTFAH that now contains the female egg and the male sperm inside it, i.e., the fertilized egg.  And this new NUTFAH is now placed, also through a process, in the a place of rest, firmly fixed قرار مكين.

  2. The sperm develops into a leech-like (علقة) substance.
  3. Then the leech-like substance develops into a chewed-like (مضغة) substance.
  4. Then from the chew-like substance bones (عظام) are created.
  5. Then the muscles (لحم) wrap around the bones.
  6. The fetus goes through “three Veils of darkness and Stages” development.  Science just confirmed it recently, and the Glorious Quran mentioned it 1,500 years ago.

Below, you’ll find the ample Noble Verses, Definitions from 7 major dictionaries, and Scientific Sources that demonstrate and prove these claims in the Glorious Quran.

1-  The Noble Quran’s Divine Claims:

The Holy Quran and Islam are filled with scientific statements and notions.  These are statements of Allah Almighty describing how He created things on earth and in the Universe.  What’s most amazing is that all of these scientific statements and notions had been proven to be in perfect agreement with science and our modern-day scientific discoveries.  Allah Almighty made the Noble Quran be Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) Everlasting Divine Miracle and proof for Prophethood.  The Holy Book certainly stood the test of time 1,500 years ago with Its Claims, Prophecies and Miraculous language eloquence, and it does again and again in our day today with Its overwhelming agreement with science and discoveries that were not known to man 1,500 years ago.

Allah Almighty Said: “We will show them Our signs in the Universe and inside their selves, until it will become quite clear to them that it is the truth. Is it not sufficient as regards your Lord that He is a witness over all things?  (The Noble Quran, 41:53)”

With this said, let us now look at the following Noble Verse from the Holy Quran:

Noble Verse(s) 23:12-23:14
Yusuf Ali:[023:012]  Man We did create from a quintessence of clay;

[023:013]  Then We placed him as (a drop of) sperm in a place of rest, firmly fixed;[023:014]  Then We made the sperm into a leech-like substance; then of that leech-like substance We made a fetus of a chewed-like substance; then we made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then we developed out of it another creature. So blessed be God, the best to create!

Arabic (from right to left):

‏23:12 ولقد خلقنا الانسان من سلالة من طين

‏23:13 ثم جعلناه نطفة في قرار مكين

‏23:14 ثم خلقنا النطفة علقة فخلقنا العلقة مضغة فخلقنا المضغة عظاما فكسونا العظام لحما ثم انشاناه خلقا اخر فتبارك الله احسن الخالقين

Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran:

1-  Man is created from the purest and the best sperm (سلالة) that is also drawn with ease (سل ).  The male’s sperm that fertilizes the female’s egg is the best and strongest sperm from among all of the 100s of millions of sperms that were ejected, and it ultimately draws itself from the protective semen liquid to move into the egg.

  • 2.  Sulalah.  Sulalah refers to the selection from the male and female fluids……The Qur’anic term for this selection is sulalah, which means in Arabic “gentle extraction from fluid”.  It is now known that both ovum and sperm are gently extracted from their fluid environments in the process of fertilization.  The ovum is selected from a long stream of follicular fluid, while one sperm out of millions is selected from the seminal fluid.  The first sperm which touches the cell membrane of the ovum enters easily, but immediately afterwards a rapid physical, chemical change occurs in the cell membrane, selecting the sperm only and all other sperm are locked out (Figure 7).” (The Qur’an and Modern Science, Keith L. Moore, Abdul-Majeed A. Zindani, and Mustafa A. Ahmed, Page 27, ISBN 0-9627236-0-6)
  • The following are the detailed definitions of  سلالة  and  سل :
    Furthermore, Allah Almighty Said:

    Noble Verse(s) 23:12-23:14
    Yusuf Ali:[023:012]  Man We did create from a quintessence (of clay) a flowing liquid that is originally created from clay;

    [023:013]  Then We placed him as (a drop of) sperm in a place of rest, firmly fixed (that’s the woman’s egg);[023:014]  Then We made Created the sperm into a clot of congealed blood (that is a leech-like substance); then of that clot We made a (foetus) lump; then we made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then we developed out of it another creature. So blessed be God, the best to create!

    Arabic (from right to left):

    ‏23:12 ولقد خلقنا الانسان من سلالة من طين

    ‏23:13 ثم جعلناه نطفة في قرار مكين

    ‏23:14 ثم خلقنا النطفة علقة فخلقنا العلقة مضغة فخلقنا المضغة عظاما فكسونا العظام لحما ثم انشاناه خلقا اخر فتبارك الله احسن الخالقين

    According to

    1.  Lisan Al-Arab dictionary [1] , Book 6, Page 430-436.

    2.  Al-Muheet dictionary [2], Page .

    3.  Al-Muajam Al-Waseet dictionary [3], Page 445.

    4.  Al-Mawrid dictionary Arabic-English section [4], Page 639.

    5.  Arabic-English dictionary the Hans Wehr dictionary [6], Page 419.

    سلالة (sulaalah) is a singular of the plurals سلال (sulaal) and/or سلالات (sulaalat).
    سلالة (sulaalah): something that is drawn out or flowing.

    • انتزاع الشئ واخراجه من رفق  drawing something and getting it out with ease.

    السليل (al-saleel) and سلسبيل (salsabeel):  الخالص الصافي (al-khaalis al-saafi) the best and the pure.

    • In Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him’s, Hadith (Saying):و في الحديث: “اللهم اسقنا من سليل الجنة”, وهو صافي شرابها, قيل له سليل لأنه سلّ حتى خَلَصْ

      O Allah, give us drink from the Paradise’s SALEEL سليل, (lisan al-Arab dictionary explains) and the saleel is a purely extracted drink. And it is called SALEEL because it was SULLA ( سلّ purified) until it became pure and at its best خَلَصْ.

    سلالة (sulaalah): an extraction of something from its group.

    • In Ziyad’s Saying:  و في حديث زياد: “بسلالةٍ من ماءٍ ثَغْبٍ” أي ما استخرج من ماء الثغب و سلَّ منهA SULAALAH سلالة from the water of thaghab, means extracting and flowing water from the water of thaghab.  So it is removing a certain amount of water from a body of water.

    سل (sul or sal):  something that is unique and different from its group.

    • It is said:  و قد سُلَّ و أسله الله, فهو مسلول,أي شاذ على غير قياسAnd he SULLA سُلَّ and Allah Almighty had ASALLAHU أسله, and then he became MASLOOL مسلول, which means he became SHAATH (شاذ  different, unique) beyond any measuring (QIYAAS قياس).

    السلسل (al-salsal):  the pure and clear.

    • السلسل هو الماء العذب الصافي إذا شُرِبَ تسلسل في الحلقThe SALSAL سلسل is the pure and clear water that is when drank, it flows smoothly in the throat.

      So it is not just any water, as the water in the desert was known to lack sanitation and good taste due to the impurities that are mixed with it, but rather, it is the BEST AND CLEAREST OF THE WATER!

    سلالة (sulaalah): descendant, progeny, offspring, race.

    سل (sul or sal):  to advance singly or in small groups, and as I mentioned, it is a singular of the plurals sulaal سلال and/or سلالات (sulaalat).

    • This is further proven in Noble Verse 32:8 by Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s translation and other translations:
      Noble Verse(s) 32:8
      Yusuf Ali:[032:008]  And made his progeny from a quintessence of the nature of a fluid despised:


      [032:008]  Thumma jaAAala naslahu min sulalatin min ma-in maheeninArabic (from right to left):

      ‏32:8 ثم جعل نسله من سلالة من ماء مهين

      According to

      1.  Al-Mawrid dictionary English-Arabic section [4], Page 751.

      Quintessence: جوهر (the pearl of something, or the best of something), خلاصة (a summary of something, or the BEST OF SOMETHING), مثال (a sample, or a leading example).

      According to www.dictionary.com, quintessence means:

      1. the pure and concentrated essence of a substance.
      2. the most perfect embodiment of something.
      3. the pure, highly concentrated essence of a thing.
      4. the purest or most typical instance.
      5. an extract from anything, containing its rarest virtue, or most subtle and essential constituent in a small quantity; pure or concentrated essence.


    Remember again that  سلالة (sulaalah) is a singular of the plurals سلال (sulaal) and/or سلالات (sulaalat).

    Notice the Miraculous Beauty of Allah Almighty’s Holy Words:

    1-  Man is created and determined from a single flowing سلالة, that is the SPERM.

    2-  Then Allah Almighty Made man a MINGLED NUTFAH (SPERM…نطفة امشاج), which is a mingled, single, stationed and secured SPERM inside the egg (ثم جعلناه نطفة في قرار مكين); m-قرار مكين is the female’s protected and protective BASE (i.e., egg).

    3-  Then after that, Allah Almighty Created the NUTFAH into an AALAQA (a sucking clot substance that looks like a leech).

    4-  And then the alaqa was Created into a lump (mudgha….مضغة).

    5-  Then the lump was Created into bones, and then the bones were covered with flesh, and then Allah Almighty انشاناه خلقا اخر built him into a different creation.

2-  The sperm (نطفة) is injected into (في) a secure and firm base (قرار مكين); the female’s egg.

  • In another Noble Verse, sperm (نطفة) is said to be a piercing and penetrating one, which is exactly how the male’s sperm enters the female’s egg – through piercing through it.
  • The following are the detailed definitions of  تمنى  and  يمنى  (to pierce):







What forms in the embryo first, the muscles or the bones?
