রোগ ও রোগী-ইসলাম কি বলে!-১৮ (মধু ভক্ষনও কালো জিরা)

২। মধু পান করা

মধুর আরবী নাম আসাল, আল কুর’আনে মধু সম্পর্কে মহান আল্লাহ বলেছেন-

এতে মানুষের জন্য রয়েছে আরোগ্য। সূরা আননহল-৬৯

রাসূল স. বলেছেন- তোমাদের জন্যে অবশ্যই দুটো ঔষধ রয়েছে, একটি হচ্ছে কুর’আন আর অপরটি মধু। ইবনে মাজাহ: ৩৪৫২

আয়েশা(রা.) বলেন-নবী(স.) মিষ্টি ও মধু খুব ভালোবাসতেন। বুখারী: ৫২৭১

নবী(স.) বলেছেন-যদি তোমাদের ঐষধগুলোর কোনটার মধ্যে কল্যান থেকে থাকে তবে তা রয়েছেঃ রক্তমোক্ষণ, মধু পান কিংবা আগুন দ্বা্রা দাগ দেয়ার মধ্যে—যদি তা রগ অনুযায়ী হয়। তবে আগুন দ্বা্রা দাগ দেয়া আমি পছন্দ করি না।         বুখারী  কিতাবুত তিব্ব: ৫২৭২

আরেকটি হাদীসে গরম লোহা দ্বা্রা দাগাতে নিষেধ করেছেন।  বুখারী:  ৫২৬৯

পেটের অসুখেও মধু খাওয়ার কথা এসেছে  বুখারী  কিতাবুত তিব্ব ৫২৭৩

ডায়রীয়া রোগীর উত্তম ঔষধ হলো মধু, যা স্যালাইনের মতোই কার্যকর।

সম্প্রতি উন্নত বিশ্বে মধু ও দারুচিনির সমন্বয়ে বেশ কয়েকটি রেসিপি অনুযায়ী ২৫টি জটিল রোগের চিকিৎসায় উল্লেখযোগ্য ফলাফল পাওয়া গিয়েছে।

অধ্যাপক ডা. মুহাম্মদ আমাবাহ নামে মিসরীয় বিজ্ঞানী সম্প্রতি চোখের অসুখে মধু নিয়ে গবেষনা করে জানিয়েছেন,মধু চোখের corneal infection চিকিৎসায় বেশ কার্যকর।

পাতলা মধু(৫০% ও ৩৫%) এন্টিবায়োটিক জেন্টামাইসিনের চেয়ে বেশী কার্যকর যা urinary Tract Infection এ কাজে লাগে।

মধুর উপকারীতার কারন অনেক—

   Honey is very important medicine.

(16:68-69) And behold ! .Your Lord has inspired the bee with this “Build thy hive in the mountains, trees and in the creepers over trellises:  then drink nectar from every kind of fruit, and follow the ways made smooth by the Lord. ” From its belly comes out a fluid of varying hues wherein is healing for mankind. Here is indeed a Sign for those people who ponder over it.”

The Average Composition of Honey

Vitamins- Thiamin, RiboflavinNiacin, BiotinB-6, B-12, C, A, D, E, Pantothenic Acid, Folate

Carbohydrates- Fructose, Glucose, Maltose, Sucrose, Kojibiose, Turanose, Isomaltose, Maltulose, Erlose, Theanderose, Panose

Minerals- Water, Sodium, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Potassium, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Selenium, Copper, Chromium, Manganese

Acids & Enzymes- Invertase, Amylase, Glucose Oxidase, Catalase, Acetic and at least 8 other organic acids. Proline and at least 18 other free amino acids.

Antioxidants- Pinocembrin, Pinobanksin, Chrysin, Galagin

Though honey is a wholesome food with a sweet taste and has medicinal power as well, its latter quality has been mentioned only because the former is too obvious. It is used as a medicine to cure several diseases because it contains the juice and glucose of flowers and fruits in the best form. Besides this, it is also used in preparing and preserving other medicines because it does not rot. It also preserves other things from decay. That is why it has been used for centuries as a substitute for alcohol. And if the bee-hive is built at a place, which abounds in certain medicinal herbs, its honey dces not remain mere honey, but becomes also the essence of that herb. It is expected that if bees are used methodically for extracting essence from herbs, etc. , that essence will prove to be much better than the one obtained in the laboratories.

New research from Monash University bee researcher Adrian Dyer could lead to improved artificial intelligence systems and computer programs for facial recognition.

Dr Dyer is one of Australia’s leading bee experts and his latest research shows that honeybees can learn to recognise human faces even when seen from different viewpoints.

“What we have shown is that the bee brain, which contains less than 1 million neurons, is actually very good at learning to master complex tasks. Computer and imaging technology programmers who are working on solving complex visual recognition tasks using minimal hardware resources will find this research useful,” Dr Dyer said.

perform poorly “Most current artificial intelligence (AI) recognition systems at reliably recognising faces from different viewpoints. However the bees have shown they can recognise novel views of rotated faces using a mechanism of interpolating or image averaging previously learnt views.

The study, performed over two years in Australia and Germany by Dr Dyer with the support of the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), and Dr Quoc Vuong from Newcastle University UK, was published in the science journal PLoS ONE.

Research & Benefits

Several studies have recently shown the unique properties of honey as a natural remedy. Honey has been shown to have special antimicrobial and antibacterial components, which can help prevent infections by inhibiting the growth of certain bacteria.

It is also an antioxidant, especially in the darker honeys and those with higher water content and may help eliminate reactive compounds in our bodies called ‘free-radicals’. These are believed to contribute to many serious diseases when left unchecked.

It is also a humectant, which means that when honey is exposed to air it draws in and retains moisture. When used in cosmetics it can help hydrate the skin making it feel fresh and ideal for moisturising products. Furthermore it may help in the prevention of scarring by keeping the skin moist and helping in the growth of new tissue.

Honey provides the body with quick energy, which can help in recuperation and help recover from fatigue. Honey has been shown to be an excellent post-exercise muscle recuperation and energy repletion supplement maintaining optimal blood sugar levels throughout the two hours following exercise.

Research around the world has shown that honey is an effective treatment for serious wounds and burns and the use of honey, as a wound dressing material, an ancient remedy that has now been rediscovered. In the past and increasingly today, it is being used as a natural remedy for several ailments. Studies are currently being carried out on the effect of honey on preventing tooth decay, allergies, treating ulcers, thwarting disease and ageing.

DISCLAIMER: The Muslim Health Network would like to advise parents and those in charge of babies, not to give honey to babies under one year of age. Honey may contain bacterial spores that can cause infant botulism – a rare but serious disease that affects the nervous system of young babies (under one year of age). Botulism spores are common and may be found in dust, soil and uncooked foods. Adults and children over one year of age are routinely exposed to these spores but not normally affected by them. Honey as a food for older children and adults remains safe if consumed in moderation. In some cultures honey is given to the newborn baby, this is ill-advised and should be avoided. For those suffering from diabetes please consult your doctor before consuming honey.

৩। কালিজিরা ভক্ষন

কালিজিরার আরবী নাম হাব আল সাউদা, হাব আল বারাকা, Black seed / Black cumin, botanical name হলো Nigella sativa.

কালিজিরা অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ

নবী(সঃ) বলেছেন-তোমরা নিজেদের জন্য এই কালো বীজ(কালিজিরা)ব্যবহার বাধ্যতামুলক করে নাও। কেননা এর মধ্যে মৃত্যু ছাড়া সব রোগের নিরাময় রয়েছে। আস-সাম অর্থ মৃত্যু –তিরমিযী-আবওয়াবুত তিব্ব-১৯৯১

বুখারী ৫২৭৬নং হাদীসের আলোকে-

কালিজিরার ৫-৭টি দানা পিষে যয়তুনের তেলের সাথে মিশিয়ে নাকের উভয় ছিদ্রপথে কয়েক ফোঁটা দিয়ে অসুস্থ ব্যক্তিকে চিকিৎসা করার কথা এসেছে।

অভিজ্ঞতা থেকে বলছি – শীতের সময় বাচচাদের অনেক সময় নাক বন্ধ বা ঠাণ্ডা লেগে থাকে। একটি পাতলা কাপড়ে কিছু কালিজিরার দানা পুটলি বেধে (ভিতরে friction) একটু ঘষে নাকের কাছে ধরলে নাক বন্ধ ভালো হয়ে যায় আল্লাহর রহমতে।

আবার কয়েকটিদানা পানিতে ভিজিয়ে রেখে, সেই পানি ছেঁকে নাকে ২ ফোঁটা ও ১ ফোঁটা করে দিলেও nasal drop এর মত কাজ করে।

এছাড়া কালোজিরা ও মধু একসাথে খেলেও বিভিন্ন রোগের উপকার পাওয়া যায়।

কালিজিরা কৃমিনাশক, বাতবেদনানাশক, ও প্রদাহনাশক হিসেবে প্রমানিত হয়েছে। এছাড়া রোগ প্রতিরোধে ও বার্ধক্যরোধে অত্যন্ত কার্যকর ।

কালিজিরাতে আমিষ জাতীয় পদার্থ ও এমাইনো এসিড যথেষ্ট পরিমানে বিদ্যমান। এতে 10 Essential Amino acid, carbohydrates,vitamins, terpenoids acid and also Minarels like Ca, K, Na, Fe আছে।

কালিজিরার গুনাবলী সম্পর্কে বলা হয়-

The Black seed (or Habbat Al-Barakah)

A few Important Points

The Black seed (or Habbat Al-Barakah) is called Shuneiz in Persian, black cumin and Indian cumin.

The black seed helps against all types of cold ailments and helps introduce the effective ingredients of cold medications to the areas affected by hot and dry ailments, as it helps the body absorb the medicine quickly when taken in small dosages.

Black seed is hot and dry in the third degree, eliminates, flatulence, extracts the helminthes (worm), relieves leprosy and phlegm fevers, opens clogs, decomposes accumulating gas and excess moisture in the stomach.

When it is ground, blended with honey and drunk with some warm water, it will dissolve the stones that appear in the kidney and the prostate and it is also diuretic.

It increases  the production of milk

When it is heated with vinegar and placed on the stomach, it will eliminate helminthes (worms) and when it is blended with wet or cooked colocynth water, it is more effective in removing worms

It also cleans up, decomposes and relieves cold symptoms when it is ground in a rag and inhaled through the nose on a regular basis until the ailment is cured.

Black seeds oil helps against snakebites, hemorrhoids and spots. When around 25grams of it is drunk with water it will help against gasping and hard breathing.

When the black seeds are cooked in vinegar and then one rinses his mouth with it, it will relieve toothache resulting from sensitivity to cold. When one inhales powered black seed, it will help against water that accumulates in the eye. When it is used in a bandage while blended with vinegar, it heals spots and exposed skin ulcers and decomposes the acute mucus tumors and also hard tumors.

The oil of black seed also helps against facial paralysis when administered by the nose. When one drinks about 25grams of its oil, it helps against spider bite. When it is ground finely and blended with the oil of the green seed and used as ear drops, only up to three drops, it helps against symptoms, flatulence and various clogs.

When the Black Seed is fried and finely ground, soaked in oil and then drops are administered in the nose, it will help against cold conditions accompanied by intensive sneezing.

When it is burned and mixed with melted wax along with henna or iris oil, it helps remove the ulcers that appear on the skin of the legs, after washing the skin with vinegar.

When the black seeds are crushed in vinegar and laid on leprous skin, the skin affected by black pigmentation and on the head that is affected by dandruff, it helps relieve these aliments.

When the Black Seeds are ground finely and one swallows around 25grams of it each day with cold water, it instantly helps against the bit of rabid dogs, and might prevent death as a result of hydrophobia.

There are many other benefits of Black Seeds

Excerpt: Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) –Ibn Qayyim